Publications Library
Here you can access my publications by theme.
Child Protection: Policy and Evidence
Sole author
- What you need to know about the Child and Family Welfare Policy, Government of Ghana, Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection and UNICEF, 2015
- Child Protection Baseline Research Summary Report, Government of Ghana, Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection and UNICEF, 2014
Child protection: Child marriage and FGM
Sole author
- Summary: National Costed Roadmap to End Child Marriage and FGM 2020–2024, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Ministry of Women, Children and Youth, 2019
- Review of the African Union campaign to end child marriage, UNICEF, 2018. Full report and summary
- Series of human-interest stories about individuals who are campaigning to end child marriage in a community in Amhara, Ethiopia, UNICEF 2016:
- Priests in Amhara advocate to End Child Marriage
- Health workers create awareness on the consequences of child marriage in Amhara
- Elders advise against child marriage in favour of education in Amhara
- “I could help my family be free from poverty if I was educated. Not if I am married.” Lakech, 13
- Kenya: Adolescents act against child marriage in Kakuma refugee camp, UNICEF, 11 April 2016
- National Costed Roadmap to End Child Marriage and FGM 2020–2024, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Ministry of Women, Children and Youth, 2019
Child Protection: Human trafficking and intercountry adoption
Sole author
- Institutionalisation and the Children of Sex Trafficking Victims in Nepal, 18 September 2013
- Child trafficking and intercountry adoption in Romania’s post-communist year. Book Review: Romania For Export Only, The untold story of the Romanian “orphans” by Roelie Post, 16 July 2012
- Ties that bind: African witchcraft and contemporary slavery, 17 September 2012
- A Bewitching Economy: Witchcraft and Human Trafficking, Think Africa Press, 17 September 2012
- Production of media pack for The African Child Policy Forum’s 5th International Policy Conference Intercountry Adoption: Alternatives and Controversies, including series of fact sheets, May 2012: The African context; Legal frameworks; Recommendations for protecting Africa’s children; Intercountry Adoption and Illicit Activities; Intercountry Adoption in Africa: Q&As.
- Shadow City, Exposing Human Trafficking in Everyday London – return on investment section, Greater London Authority, 2013 and
Child Protection: Justice for children (J4C)
Sole author
- Justice for Children Policy Summary, Government of Ghana, Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection and UNICEF, 2016
- Girls in conflict with the law in Uganda: Experiences and needs before, during and after contact with the criminal and informal justice systems, Chance for Childhood with Street Child Africa, Nov 2016
Child protection: Violence against children and gender-based violence
Sole author
- Mapping interventions to prevent violence against women and children in ESAR, UNICEF 2018
- Communications toolkit on CDC national VAC surveys. UNICEF ESARO, 2016
- Zambia: A safe space for the treatment of child survivors of sexual abuse, UNICEF, 17 November 2015
- She-wolves in sheeps’ clothing: female perpetrated child abuse, Online Opinion, Australia’s e-journal of social and political debate, 2 September 2010
Sole author
- Resource mobilization proposal on teacher policy and development in Africa for UNESCO-ICBBA, 2021
- Author of successful education funding proposal for the KIX Africa 19 Regional hub for GPE-member countries in East, South and West Africa, 2019
- Education Thematic Report January–December 2017, UNICEF ESARO, 2018
- Five thematic briefs, on 1. early learning and pre-primary, 2. quality primary, 3. pathways to citizenship and livelihoods, 4. adolescent girls and 5. children with disabilities, Schools for Africa, UNICEF, 2018
- All In: Towards Tangible Solutions for Equity and Inclusion in Basic Education, UNICEF, New York, 2023
- UNICEF ESAR Working Paper – Structured Pedagogy: For Real-Time Equitable Improvements in Learning Outcomes. UNICEF ESARO, 2020
- UNICEF ESAR Briefing Paper 2020, Social and Emotional Learning and Skills in Primary Education. UNICEF ESARO, 2020
Early Childhood Development
- Co-author of Chapter 10: The Way Forward for an Inclusive and Equitable World in Beena Pandey and Hyun Hee Ban, eds., The Early Years of Childhood: A Vital Human Capital Investment for Equity and Resilience, Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), and UNICEF India, New Delhi, 2023
Health, Nutrition, HIV
Sole author
- Summary report Living with HIV and in School, Factors Impacting HIV Testing and Treatment of Adolescents in Tanzania, A Cross-Sectional Study, National Institute for Medical Research, Muhimbili Centre (NIMR-Muhimbili), National AIDS Control Programme (NACP) and UNICEF Tanzania, 2021
- 10 country-specific lessons learned documents (Kenya, Eswatini, Uganda and Zimbabwe) and 3 regional case studies for ESAR on supporting decentralized government to synthesize the near-real time monitoring (NRTM) of localized data in health and nutrition with community feedback, UNICEF, 2017
- Regional case study 1 UNICEF harnesses use of near real-time data to support maternal, newborn and child health in Eastern and Southern Africa
- Regional case study 2 Lessons learned on going to scale and sustainability for near real-time monitoring of local health and nutrition interventions in Eastern and Southern Africa
- Regional case study 3 Using knowledge exchange to support innovations in PMR for child health: Lessons learned on using a community of practice to support near real-time monitoring of local health and nutrition interventions in Eastern and Southern Africa
- Kenya Use of the RMNCAH scorecard to strengthen data-driven service delivery in a devolved health system framework
- Eswatini Government leadership in ensuring citizen feedback on health
- Uganda Promoting bottleneck analysis for action and accountability on maternal and child health
- Zimbabwe Adaptive programming Key to real-time monitoring for stunting reduction
- Breast intentions: New counselling support for bottle feeding mothers in Christchurch New Zealand, as barriers to breastfeeding remain entrenched, Online Opinion, Australia’s e-journal of social and political debate, 31 May 2010
Social Policy: Policy and Evidence
Sole author
- UNICEF India, Social Policy and Social Protection Programming Context, an overview of programming in Social Protection, Public Finance for Children, and Local Governance, Briefing Paper, 2023
- The Case for Investing in Children for Inclusive Economic Growth, UNICEF India Briefing Note for Think20 (T20), January 2023
- UNICEF India Social Policy and Social Protection Programme 2023–2027, Programme Rationale and
Theory of Change, June 2022 - UNICEF India: Background Note. Could there be a looming socio-economic and food crisis severely affecting children in India, June 2020
Social Policy: Child-friendly local governance (CFLG)
Work on multiple CFLG publications for UNICEF India.
Social Policy: CRVS
Sole author
- Overview of Birth Registration and CRVS Programming in India, UNICEF, 2023
- OpEd, Euractiv, Civil registration: Africa’s greatest development failure holds key to her success, February 2015
- Advocacy strategy on interoperability of national health and CRVS sectors for UNICEF ESARO, 2014
Social Policy: Public Financing for Children (PF4C)
- National budget briefs South Sudan FY 2019/20; and FY 2018/19
- Education budget brief South Sudan FY 2018/19, UNICEF, 2019
- South Sudan Citizens Enacted Budget FY 2019/20, UNICEF, 2019
- Public Finance Management for Children Briefing Note, UNICEF South Sudan, 2019
Work on multiple PF4C publications for UNICEF India.
Social Policy: Social protection
- Synthesis of evidence and lessons from WFP’s policy evaluations (2011-2019), 2020 which included evaluation of its Vouchers and Cash Transfers Policy (2009) and Update of WFP’s Safety Nets Policy (2012)
- Data analysis for Evaluation Evidence Summary of School Feeding in Cambodia, WFP, 2024
- Work on multiple social protection publications for UNICEF India.
Humanitarian: Children on the move
Sole author
- Pilot Study: Children on the Move using the Southern Route in Eastern and Southern Africa, Summary of Findings, UNICEF, 2020
- Case Study on Improved Child Protection in Emergencies Preparedness and Response to Cross-Border Movements of Children in the Great Lakes Region, UNICEF 2015
Humanitarian: Collaboration
- What We Know About Collaboration: the ECB Country Consortium Experience. Emergency Capacity Building: The 10. Key Factors for Success, Emergency Capacity Building Project, 2012 Member of review team
Humanitarian: Country Situation Analysis of Children and Women
Sole author
- Situation Analysis of Children and Women in Malawi 2018–2022, UNICEF Malawi
- Update on the Situation Analysis of Children and Women in South Sudan 2018–2020, UNICEF, 2021. Full 192 page report and a trifold leaflet:
Humanitarian: Cyclone Idai
Sole author
- Cyclone Idai, Integration of HIV into the humanitarian response in Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe, Case Study and Lessons Learned, UNICEF, 2020
- Cyclone Idai: Integration of multisectoral C4D interventions into the humanitarian response in Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe, Case Study and Lessons Learned, UNICEF, 2020
Humanitarian: Pandemic response
Sole author
- Report on COVID-19 in Africa as Annex to update the Summary report Accelerating the agenda for child rights in Africa, UNICEF, 2020
- UNICEF, Global Evaluation of the UNICEF L3 response to COVID-19, November 2022 and
- WFP, Evaluation of WFP’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, 26 January 2022
- Oxford Policy Management, Real time assessment (RTA) of UNICEF’s ongoing response to COVID-19 in Eastern and Southern Africa:
- Regional Analysis, 17 March 2021
- COVID-19 vaccine supply and rollout: Key insights from qualitative research in Ethiopia, Rwanda, South Africa and South Sudan, December 2021
- COVID-19 vaccine demand promotion: Key insights from qualitative research in Ethiopia, Rwanda, South Africa and South Sudan, December 2021
Humanitarian: South Sudan
Sole author
- UNICEF South Sudan Country Office Annual Reports for 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021. Example here (2021):
- Synthesis of Evidence from UNICEF South Sudan Evaluations (2018–2019), UNICEF 2020
- See other sections for multiple other South Sudan publications.
Humanitarian: Accountability to Affected People (AAP)
- Editing and gender inputs to Accountability to Affected People (AAP) into Country Office Planning Cycles, UNICEF ESARO, September 2020
Disability inclusion
Sole author
- Disability Inclusion in Humanitarian Action for Children in South Asia: A multi-country study for UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia (ROSA) in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka (forthcoming)
- Global mapping of disability-inclusive EiE: Mapping and analysis of good practices; existing tools and resources; and humanitarian actors’ capacity gaps and needs in disability-inclusive EiE programming, UNICEF and the Global Education Cluster, 2023
- Mid-Term Evaluation, Education, Equality and Empowerment (EEE) project promoting inclusive education for children with disabilities in Rwanda 2013-2016, Chance for Childhood, 2015
- Research on girls with disabilities in Rwanda cited in Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Study on the Fulfilment of the Right to Education of Children with Disabilities, UNICEF and Education Development Trust, 2016
Gender and women’s rights
Sole author
- Synthesis of 10 country–level gender programmatic reviews in ESAR, UNICEF, 2017
- Series of five thematic gender programmatic briefs and five related pocket guides for use by UNICEF country office sections in ESAR, UNICEF, 2017
- Global evaluation of UNICEF’s Gender Action Plan, UNICEF, 2019
- Writing executive summary and substantial editing, Scoping Review of Tools for Assessing the Vulnerability and Risks of Adolescent Girls and Young Women in ESAR, UNICEF ESARO, 2021
- Substantial editing and gender inputs for Baby WASH Programming, Learning Note 2020, UNICEF ESARO, 2020
- Editing and gender inputs for The Climate Crisis: Climate Change Impacts, Trends and Vulnerabilities of Children in Sub-Saharan Africa, UNICEF, 2020
- Gender review and inputs to the Evaluation of the Community-based Reintegration Programme for Children Released from Armed Forces and Armed Groups in Boma State (former Greater Pibor Administrative Area) 2015–2018, UNICEF South Sudan, 2019
African Union and African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child
Sole author
- Review of UNICEF-African Union engagement 2019–2022, 2022
- Summary report Accelerating the agenda for child rights in Africa 30 years of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child: Progress, challenges and opportunities, UNICEF, 2019
- Three case studies on UNICEF’s engagement with the African Union 2018:
- UNICEF’s support to the African Children’s Charter Committee ;
- Strengthening the capacity of the AUC to protect children affected by conflict ;
- UNICEF support to the AU continental campaign to end child marriage
Global Data and evidence for policy formation
Sole author
- Evidence for Children: Report from a Roundtable on evidence-informed decision making for child welfare, UNICEF Office of Research-Innocenti, 2019
- UNICEF Research for Children 2013: From Evidence to Action, UNICEF Office of Research-Innocenti, 2013
- Good practice of global think tanks, UNICEF Office of Research-Innocenti, 2013
Human rights and business
Sole author
- At What Cost? The impacts of advertising and consumerism on human, community and planetary wellbeing. Adfree Cities advocacy guide to using international human rights law to challenge human rights violations and climate change impacts, caused by excessive consumption, 2021
- The vegan philosophy: protecting animal welfare, human health and the environment; but battling the corporate lobby, Live Encounters Magazine, 2018
- Going to scale with ICTs for agriculture, Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), 2017
- House of Commons speech on sexualisation in advertising, 2012
- Stepping up the fight against childhood sexualisation, 2010
- 2021: Interview with Nigel Sizer, Chief Global Alliances Officer of the Rainforest Alliance at the Reuters Responsible Business Conference 2021 about the need to transform the relationship between business and biodiversity.
- UK Modern Slavery Act 2015: A Summary for Business, 2015
- PR Power: Inside Secrets from the World of Spin, Virgin Books 2002, by Amanda Barry. Case studies.
International human rights law
Sole author
- Human Writes: The Media’s Role in War Propaganda Chapter 2 of Communication Ethics Now, Troubador Publishing, 2008, edited by Richard Keeble
- The Media’s Role in War Propaganda Ethical Space: The International Journal of Communication Ethics, Vol 2, Number 3 2005
- Propaganda’s War on Human Rights, Peace Review International Journal of Social Justice, Vol 16, Issue 3 2004 ‘Law and War’ issue
Nature rights and indigenous rights
Sole author
- Māori and human rights in New Zealand, 2006
- Harrop, E., Hyde, S. and Ronan, O. (2022) How integrated conceptions of earth rights and human rights in indigenous traditions can teach the Global North about true sustainability. In Pathak, Y.V. and Adityanjee, A. (editors) Human Rights, Spirituality and Religious Freedom: Perspectives from the Dharmic and Indigenous Cultures. Kovidnam Vani, Delaware, USA. and
- Guide to Rights-Based Advocacy: International Human Rights Law & Fracking, Mercy International, 2015. Full report and policy brief
Media and communications
Sole author
- Evaluating the media landscape in Africa & harnessing new communications opportunities review for UNICEF ESARO, 2015
- Series of internal communication “how to guides” from social media to storytelling. UNICEF ESARO, 2014.