Gender inputs to South Sudan evaluation on children released from armed groups

17 September 2019: I provided gender inputs and editing support for the final report of the evaluation of the Community-based Reintegration Programme for Children Released from Armed Forces and Armed Groups in Boma State (former Greater Pibor Administrative Area), South Sudan, 2015–2018.

The conflict has affected both boys and girls, and the recruitment and use of adolescent boys and girls by all parties to the conflict in South Sudan is well documented, including sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) against girls. At the global level, the United Nations (UN) estimates that girls constitute an estimated 40 per cent of children associated with armed forces and armed groups (CAAFAG).

In South Sudan, data is unavailable on the exact number of girl CAAFAG. However, girls constituted 28 per cent of all CAAFAG that were released in South Sudan in 2018. Of the CAAFAG released in Pibor, all were boys. Future reintegration programmes are recommended to also include girl CAAFAG to promote inclusive programming that seeks to address gender barriers to access to support services. Read more

Since the programme, UNICEF South Sudan has done some impressive work on understanding the needs of girl CAAFAG with a Practical Guide to fulfil the reintegration needs and rights of girls formerly associated with armed forces and armed groups in South Sudan, 2019.


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