1 August 2019: I recently helped support the drafting of Ethiopia’s National Costed Roadmap to End Child Marriage and Female Genital Mutilation/ Cutting (FGM/C) 2020-2024, and produced a 10 page summary.
Ethiopia has made significant progress in the last two decades in reducing girls’ vulnerability to child marriage and FGM/C. However, despite this progress many girls are still at risk. The most recent Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey (EDHS) 2016 shows that of young women aged 20–24 years, 40.3 percent were married before the legal age of 18 and 14.1 per cent were married before the age of 15.
The Roadmap is an evidence-based costed plan which outlines the key strategies, packages of interventions, and expected results, targets and milestones towards the elimination of child marriage and FGM/C in Ethiopia. Read more